Wednesday, October 29, 2008

its too late to apologize.

For those of you that have been checking back at Action and Action for the last few weeks and were wondering why it hasn't been updated, I sincerely apologize. I was well on my way to my most productive month as a blogger yet, but unfortunately there incident which I will not go into...resulting in the loss of my computer, which has still not been resolved. I should be up and running again shortly though so hopefully I can be back next month with the same frequency that all my readers, (yes, both of you,) have become accustomed to.

I suppose I needed a little bit of a break from my internet addiction anyways. Like that heroin addict that tries Methadone for a few weeks, knowing full well that pretty soon he's going to be getting back into that awful stuff with a renewed vigor and sense of purpose.

Also, because I think my laptop was overheating and projecting radiation directly into my groin area whenever I was using it, most likely eliminating any chance I may have had at having children without the aid of costly and intrusive medical science. So maybe it was about time to get a new one. Blessing in disguise anyone? No? OK then.

So in any case, I'll be back soon. Thanks for your patience. Except those of you that have stopped reading my blog just because I didn't post anything for a few weeks. You people can go straight to hell.


ming-ming said...

I'm excited....

Allison said...

sorry about your computer woes!

kiley said...

you may want to reconsider your stance on children... mine are lovely and all, but are you sure you can deal with a 3 yr old that has gum stuck to his nuts? (true story) and what about this?...

no, sir.... sterility is your friend.

November 3, 2008 12:25 AM